Kidung Kinanthi In The True Friend Poem
Juli 11, 2012Assalaamu 'alaikum, Guys! Do you like poem or poetry? Make it, read it or analysis it? Do you know there is contest from one of blogger now? After researching on the Ririe Khayan's poems label, I found a poem called "The True Friend". It's short and easy to understand so I chose it to write a short analysis. Can you look through what I have and give me some advice?
One again! She didn't say in the rule, wheather must use Bahasa Indonesia. Then 'cause this poem in English, so I will analysis one in English too.
I consider you have been read this poem, so let's we check 'n recheck together! ;-)
This poem is meaningful yet simplistic and easy to understand. Literally, Ririe Khayan wrote about The True Friend, the one who's coming in the door while everyone else is going out, who love you when you're hard to love. I know She posted this poem, a day after She met some friends from blogger at Jakarta. When her real friend there aren't in her sides. Then the friends from unreal world come her in the real world. So, She wrote the happiness together in the poem. Ouwhh, so sweet....!! ;-)
Ririe Khayan explains this poem she "lend" from her FB's inbox. Do you know that words in the poem was took from popular people's quotes?
The first paragraph is quotes from Phillip Calvin McGraw best known as Dr. Phil. He is a psycologist from US. []
The second paragraph is words said by Orville Wright to her brother, Wilbur Wright. Both are plane machine inventor from US. [100 People's Book] Often I found in the wedding invitation letter. Where's the Man call his Woman as friend like Orville called Wilbur as friend too. In the everything and anything.
However, in my opinion, Ririe Khayan just to try represents a beautiful friendship that all people are yearning for. The poem hence portrays Ririe's feels and optimism in the beauty of life. Writing for her friends, She might wanna show them that they are more valuable things in the world. Through her words, Ririe offered their insight by sharing her optimism. Nothing eternity, whatever will happen, but the friendship can be everything. Ririe Khayan was a religious and spiritual writer. She as a believer, knew that very well.
Next, I sure to know that the last paragraph is herself mind. Honest, amazing 'n I do like it! ;-)
Rie, 'em so sorry for all those I write if you disagree with me. Happy Blogging 'n Keep On Fire!
Wassalaam... :-)
Tulisan diikutsertakan dalam “Giveaway Kidung Kinanthi: Kata dalam Puisi”
32 komentar
# diterima sebagai peserta, Comment menyusul ya..mau makan dulu#
BalasHapusKomentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.
Hapusweeeiiitt, salute sampai nge'trace asal muasal kata-kata tersebut. Padahal pas ta posting with just one simply reason: lagi gak ada ide utk up date di blog..dan ternyata secara implisit di'analisa' sampai ke kopdar neh.
HapusBeTeWe, puisi tersebut aku dapatkan di 'inbox' maksudnya inbox messenger yahoo, bukan dr FB dan itu di kirim oleh salah satu teman yg berdomisili over seas. I kept that poem so long time ago...atually many years ago.
Terima kasih atas kepartisipasiannya yaaa..
Have great friend can come many ways..
Hah! Gue diterima? Hahay, maturnuwun yo Rie!
HapusOwh kirain dari inbox FB? Gak coba nge-trace kok, cuma analisis abal2, tapi gue suka kata2 itu, karna gue gak bisa bikin sendiri! Bhahaha, sukses kontesnya ya, Rie! I like u! ;-)
wuah, aku nggak pinter bahasa inggris. post di atas pun aku cuma paham 70%. ya ampuuuuun, bahasa inggrisku kudu belajar lagi.....
BalasHapussukses dah GA nya
Ah, ocha merendah! Jurnalis robotic kan pinter2... Hehehe
Hapuspanggil papa dulu buat bantu aku translate bahas ini :D
BalasHapusbtw, goodluck for GAnya :)
Salam buat papa ya, Ai! Makasih, gudlak juga buatmu! :-)
Hapuswaduh.. apa ya artinya..? saya taunya mbak riri aja yang ada di tulisannya tukang nulis buku kan?? *mikir 2hari 2malam..
BalasHapusTukang nulis buku? Sebutan lain apa, ya? #mikir sebulan
ckckck...segini detailnya yak......*geleng2 kepala :D
BalasHapusAwas pusing, Cii! #pegang kepala :-P
Hapuswhat this is all about... :D
BalasHapusGA kah.. ?
Please Click the link, Bro! ;-)
Hapusbuka google translate disek jeh, yeeh sampai sedetail itu yaa mas, good boy :p
BalasHapusHehehe, suwon good girl! B-)
Hapuskalo soal pertemanan gak ada juntrungannya sob, gak pake basi lageee :D
BalasHapusdari kemaren pake bahasa kulon mulu nih post, kunaon kang ???
Setubuh, Mon! Eh, setuju! Emang gitu skudunya temenan! ;-) bhs kulon? Bhs badak bercula satu kali ea? Bhahaha, ada deh... Kasih tau gak eaa..., :-P
Hapusmisiiii misiiii....
BalasHapus#ngambil sapu yg dipinjem eksak tp ga prnh dibalikin
Silahkan masuk! Mari... Mari... Mimi... #lempar sapu
Hapuswell, izin copas artikelnya ke translate google dulu dah! bingung ngasih komennya nih hehehehee...!
BalasHapusSilahkan, Bung! #bhahaha
HapusWa'alaikumsalam wr,wb cuy *sok gahul*.. do i like poetry/poem? well frankly i can't read that words.. i dunno why.. i just can't get d meaning of what's behind it, i need to read over n over again in order to understand it
BalasHapusBut for flash fiction, u r d'bezt, N! ;-) teach me, dunkz... :-)
HapusSemoga menang ya...
BalasHapusMakasih, Na! :-*
Hapusbusyet deh, aku ampe bingung sob, pertama nyari2 kamus dulu, udh nyari dikamus msh blm ketemu lg.. haduh2..aku nyerah deh gak bs bhs inggris, sekolah aja dpt nilai 6 kok bhs inggrisnya.
BalasHapusyg penting sukses aja deh dgn GAnya
Hadewhhh... Malah jadi ngrepotin ente, Sob! Ampe sgitunya, nyari2 kamus sgala! Mana pake curhat nilai lagi! Bhahaha #piss
Hapusmakasih buat dukungannya, Sob! ;-)
hadew sedih banget postingannya, nyerah gw..
BalasHapusCeile, yg udah sukses, baru nongol aja! Bhahaha