Hole and The Holes
November 15, 2014
There's a hole deep down inside of me
That difficult to be filled
No matter how hard I try
Self medicating only makes the bottom deeper
This hole is much like a black hole
It will suck everything good that seems to come close inside
to never be seen again
There is a hole within me,
one I wanna fill
I felt it rip me open one day
and it hasn't left me still
It refuses objects, people and substances.
Nothing seems to fit just right,
no matter what I offer it
It's as if it's a black hole and carrying
these things away
instead of building up my offerings to fill
There are holes I wanna fill now ...
That difficult to be filled
No matter how hard I try
Self medicating only makes the bottom deeper
This hole is much like a black hole
It will suck everything good that seems to come close inside
to never be seen again
There is a hole within me,
one I wanna fill
I felt it rip me open one day
and it hasn't left me still
It refuses objects, people and substances.
Nothing seems to fit just right,
no matter what I offer it
It's as if it's a black hole and carrying
these things away
instead of building up my offerings to fill
There are holes I wanna fill now ...
Sebenarnya tak cuma satu
Tapi ternyata ada banyak lubang dalam diriku
Tentang sholat yang kadang tak tepat waktu
Tentang sunnah yang dianggap tak perlu
Tentang tadarus yang mungkin lidah ini telah kelu
Tentang lapak yang penuh debu
Tentang blogwalking yang menunggu
Tentang ide yang selalu buntu
Atau tentang kamu ...
Tentang jalanku dan jalanmu yang tak pernah ada titik temu
Then I'm afraid,
Afraid I can't explain myself well
From the hole in my life
From which the words fell
So I write them all down
Every smile to every frown
For when I try to speak
I barely make a sound.
Afraid I can't explain myself well
From the hole in my life
From which the words fell
So I write them all down
Every smile to every frown
For when I try to speak
I barely make a sound.
(Rawa Bokor, Nov 15th 2014)
5 komentar
ayo tutup lubang itu, sedikit demi sedikit :)
BalasHapusdoain aja ya, Mbak ... :)
Hapuscurhat sak? :p
BalasHapuseaaaa ... K)
HapusBBM mundak BBM didelcon